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Assumption University

Assumption University


Colleges & UniversitiesEducational ConsultantsEducational Services

About Us

A Catholic institution sponsored by the Augustinians of the Assumption and rooted in the Catholic intellectual tradition, Assumption is known for forming individuals known for critical intelligence, thoughtful citizenship and compassionate service through a curriculum grounded in the liberal arts and extending to the domain of professional studies. Enlivened by the Catholic affirmation of the harmony of faith and reason, we aim, by the pursuit of the truth, to transform the minds and hearts of students. Assumption favors diversity and ecumenically welcomes all who share its goals.

With 33 majors and 49 minors, you are sure to find an academic area of interest to you - whether you enter college knowing what that is, or if you figure it out once you get here. And with a dedicated faculty that will guide you each step of the way, your path to success will be clearly lit.

Assumption offers undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs.

Assumption's application for university status was recently approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In preparation for the transition, Assumption restructured into five Schools. By establishing separate schools, Assumption may leverage its strengths, more easily develop new course options and programs, and allow for innovation. The Schools include: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Grenon School of Business; School of Graduate and Professional Studies; School of Health Professions; and the School of Nursing.

Find your light and let it shine at Assumption.


Charlie's, or "Chucks" as it is known by students is a popular area to grab a bite with friends in between classes.
Assumption is the Worcester Red Sox‘s higher education sponsor and one of the team’s 21 founding partners. Through this partnership, Assumption students and the team will benefit from an array of opportunities as the College enhances its commitment to the redevelopment of Worcester.
When the Hounds play at home, the Multi-sport Stadium is packed with students and fans.
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Rep/Contact Info

William Boffi
Enrollment Management
Conway Campbell
RoseMarie Caranci
President's Office
Lea Christo
Nick Cioe
Director of Rehabilitation Counseling
Patrick Cullen
School of Business
Samantha Goldman
Associate Professor
Christina Graziano
General Counsel and Vice President for Strategy
Marissa Gregg
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
Marc Guerra
Regina Kuersten-Hogan
Director of Clinical Counseling Psychology
Maria LeDoux
Integrated Marketing
Michael Lewis
Karen Lionello-DeNolf
Director of Applied Behavior Analysis
Lorette McWilliams
Karen Mirabile
Sara Muckian
Stephanie Murin
Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions
Ryan Paskins
Assistant Professor of Practice
Kristen Quinn
Associate Professor of Practice, Accounting
Vilma Saban
Office of Student Engagement & Leadership
Kim Schandel
Susan Scully
Director of School Counseling
Patricia Shaffer
Integrated Marketing
Shannon Thibault
Adjunct Faculty
Lee Trepanier
Dean, D'Amour College of the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Nanho Vander Hart
Director of Special Education
Dr. Gregory S, Weiner Ph.D.
Kristen White
Vice President for Student Affairs

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