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Easterseals Massachusetts

Easterseals Massachusetts


Non-Profit OrganizationsHuman Services

About Us

Easterseals Massachusetts (ESMA) is a statewide, community-based organization that empowers people with disabilities to live full and independent lives. Our programs and services constantly respond to unmet needs to ensure that children and adults with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play.

Video Media


A group of volunteers at Polar Park for Move With Me 2022.
Rebecca uses assistive technology at school.
Adaptive Riding & Horsemanship lessons at The Bridge Center in Bridgewater, MA.
Employees and Regional Board members gather in the Worcester office for an appreciation event.
Michela, an OT at ESMA, holds a box at work.
Veterans share information at their table with a special guest from the Massachusetts Pirates at Move With Me 2021.
An ESMA College Navigator works with a student.
Michele, AT Specialist, works on a piece of equipment.
Andrew sits at his desk outfitted with assistive technology.

Rep/Contact Info

Cheryl Lazzaro
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Administration
  • Phone: (508) 751-6305
Charlene Leith
Director of Marketing and Communications
Kimberly McDermott
Development Coordinator
Paul Medeiros
President and CEO

Upcoming Events

Tune in to our YouTube channel


Watchusett Area Chamber Business Showcase

This Month:
Currie Legal Nurse Consulting

Blog Archives