Veterans Inc.
Non-Profit OrganizationsCharitable Organizations/FoundationsHealth - Non-ProfitHealth Care ServicesHome Care ServicesHuman Services
About Us
Veterans Inc. is a national leader in ending homelessness among veterans. Since 1990, we have helped more than 90,000 veterans in need; & operate offices & programs in all six New England states.
Rep/Contact Info
Accounts Payable
Miss Amanda Bennett
Communications and Marketing Specialist
- Phone: (508) 791-1213 x1114
- Send an Email
Sherry Callahan
Communications and Fundraising Events Manager
- Phone: (508) 791-1213 x1154
- Send an Email
Tracy Dill
Holly Fricault
HR Coordinator, Continuing Employment Pathways
- Fax: (508) 791-5296
- Send an Email
- 69 Grove Street Worcester MA 01605
Marleen Kilcoyne
Fund Development Manager
- Phone: (508) 791-1213
- Fax: (508) 791-5296
- Send an Email
- 69 Grove Street Worcester MA 01605
Daniel Lepore
Employment and Training Division Manager
- Fax: (508) 791-5296
- Send an Email
- 69 Grove Street Worcester MA 01605