Housing Monitoring Specialist
HOUSING MONITORING SPECIALIST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for a Housing Monitoring Specialist (Staff Assistant III) for the Division of Housing Development within the Executive Office of Economic Development. Under the supervision of the Director of Housing Development, the Housing Monitoring Specialist is responsible for the monitoring of the affordable housing restrictions enacted through various housing-related programs including the
VETERANS SERVICES ASSISTANT HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for a Veterans ServicesAssistant (Principal Clerk) for the Office of Veteran Services within the Health and Human Services Department. Under the supervision of the Senior Veterans Service Specialist, the Veterans Services Assistant will support veteran programs that assist military veterans and their dependents in regard to their economic and medical needs and ensure services
SENIOR CRIME ANALYSTCITY OF WORCESTERPOLICE DEPARTMENT The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Senior Crime Analyst for the Crime Analysis Unit within the Worcester Police Department. Under the general direction of the Principal Crime Analyst and a sworn Police Official, the Senior Crime Analyst will perform tactical, strategic, and administrative analyses for the Crime Analysis Unit. This individual will collect, compile, and analyze police data from a variety of sources
COMMUNITY HEALTH COORDINATOR OF BUILT ENVIRONMENTDIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTHCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Community Health Coordinator of Built Environment for the Public Health Division within the Office of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under the direction of the Chief of Community Health, the position will conduct detailed administration of local, state, and federal grants to support community initiatives relating to Division of Public Health
MENTORSHIP LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE ASSISTANT PROGRAM COORDINATORYOUTH OPPORTUNITIES OFFICECITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for a Mentorship Leadership Experience Assistant Program Coordinator for the Division of Youth Opportunities within the Department of Health and Human Services. Under the direction of the Mentorship Leadership Experience Site Coordinator, the Mentorship Leadership Experience (M.L.E.) Assistant Program Coordinator will work for
City of WorcesterPlumbing and Gasfitting Inspector
PLUMBING AND GASFITTING INSPECTORDEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICESCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Plumbing and Gasfitting Inspector for the Building and Zoning Division within the Inspectional Services Department. Under the direction of the Chief Plumbing & Gas Inspector, the position will be responsible for inspecting new and old plumbing installations. The Plumbing and Gasfitting Inspector will enforce conformity with municipal ordinances,
City of WorcesterSenior Manager of Energy Services
SENIOR MANAGER OF ENERGY SERVICES SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCECITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Senior Manager of Energy Services for the Department of Sustainability and Resilience. Under the direction of the Chief of Sustainability & Resilience, the position will contribute toward the implementation of the ambitious goals of the 2021 Green Worcester Sustainability and Resilience Strategic Plan (GWP). The Senior Manager of Energy Services plays a
City of WorcesterFire Plans Reviewer
FIRE PLANS REVIEWERWORCESTER FIRE DEPARTMENTCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the Fire Plans Reviewer for the Fire Department. Under the direction of the District Chief of Fire Prevention, the position will be responsible for the review of plans submitted to the Fire Prevention Office for residential and commercial projects. The position will be responsible for performing professional plan review of Tier One EPA submittals and working closely with the Worcester Fire
City of WorcesterRecovery Coach
RECOVERY COACHDIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTHCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Recovery Coach for the Homeless Services Division within the Office of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under the direction of the Homelessness Project Coordinator, the Recovery Coach will connect with individuals from the community who are currently struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The position will provide this population services to support their recovery
City of WorcesterDirector of Library Services
DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES WORCESTER PUBLIC LIBRARYCITY OF WORCESTER The City of Worcester seeks qualified applicants for the position of Director of Library Services for the Worcester Public Library. Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Director of Library Services oversees Adult Services, Youth Services, Branch Services and Collections at the Worcester Public Library. Flexibility, project management, process management, supervision, communication, motivation, innovation and a passion
City of Worcester